Friday 5 February 2016

Cookie #3 green tea cookies (Japan)

So. Green tea cookies. I have to be honest, I’m not the hugest fan of green tea. I have a pretty open-minded taste palette but I also don’t expect to like every cookie that I make on this journey around the world.

For me, the cookies tasted good at the start but I didn’t like the aftertaste which was rather, for lack of a better word, plant-like. They have a great texture though and not everyone had my reaction.

This recipe came from a friend of a Japanese friend I knew from fencing way back in the day. Thank you Chie and thank you Chie's friend! :-)

(makes about about 25 cookies)
40g butter
40g vegetable oil
50g castor sugar
150g plain flour
10g matcha powder*
1/3t Vanilla essence
40g dark chocolate ships

Pre-heat the oven to 160℃.

1. Put butter, oil, sugar, and vanilla oil into a bowl. Stir them until it gets smooth and white in colour.
2. Sift four and matcha powder with a sieve. Stir them into the butter mix.
4. Add chocolate chips and mix them roughly.
5. Place on an oven tray into circles roughly 3cm in diameter.
6. Place cookies in the oven and bake them for about 25mins at 160℃.
Note: Press a centre of a cookie to check. If it’s firm, it mean the cookies are done!
7. Remove from the oven, and cool them completely on a wire rack. The cookies are still fragile when they are warm, so be careful when you place them on a wire rack.

Best eaten: with a cup of tea. They're a drier biscuit and a cup of tea might help with any aftertaste issues as well :-)

*Use real matcha powder, not green tea powder. Also, for my personal tastes this was a bit much matcha so I would reduce this, maybe to half. I don’t think it would change the consistency.

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