Wednesday 30 December 2015

A new challenge for a new year

I have decided to set myself a challenge for myself for 2016: 52 weeks to make 50 cookies from around the world. My inspiration came from And yes, I know it’s “around the world in 80 days” but I think an average of roughly a country a week is enough for me.

For the curious and pedantic, I’ll be making a mixture of cookies and biscuits. What’s the difference you ask? I found this explanation best but to summarise “A British biscuit is an American cookie and an American cookie is a British cookie and an American biscuit is a British scone and an American scone is something else entirely.”

I’ve tried to get a decent distribution from around the world and many factors go in to the final choice of cookie. Several recipes occur as an iconic biscuit for more than one country at once. Various versions of shortbread and sugar cookies occur on almost every continent and I’ll be trying to explore as many tastes and cooking techniques as I can. I welcome any family recipes and recommendations but final choice falls to my whimsy.

So starting in 2016 I hope you will join me in my journey.